I've moved pages everyone. Here's the new link:
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
It's been a good run
.... just wanted to let all of you know that if you don't see a new post later on today, it's because our computer took a turn for the worse. Lately it's sounding like it may blow up, and feels the need to turn off whenever it pleases. Hubby is checking computer prices on base today. Fingers crossed that he finds one @ a decent price!!
**Oh yeah and real quick. So it's that time again when I need new running shoes. Man that may be one thing I hate about running so much... spending $$$ on shoes. It seems like just yesterday I was buying a new pair. I've absolutely LOVEE my Asics Gel-Neo33 so I've decided to stick w/ em. The only thing is, i'm torn between two different colors.
The hubby and I are feeling the second pair. What do you guys think?
Monday, July 23, 2012
Happy Monday!
Happy Monday Everyone. I hope ya'll had a wonderful weekend full of love, laughter & happiness <3
Weekend Recap:
Sorry, I've been MIA since Friday guys. I've decided because I never have too much happening on Saturday while the hubs works all day and Sunday is his only day off, I probably won't be posting any posts throughout the weekend.
Saturday was uneventful throughout the day. Woke up, had the usual smoothie for breakfast, knocked out 12 miles which felt glorious, and then just laid around until the hubs got home around 6. We ended up ordering Little Caesars Pizza. I had the thin crust pizza with no sauce, a little cheese, tomatoes (which there weren't many on there :[ ), peppers and onions. I had 2 slices, and they were absolutely delicious. After letting our bellies rest a little, we spent the evening playing "Drinking Yahtzee" and watching Season 1 of Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Oh and some chips, okay maybe a couple servings worth were enjoyed as well :).
Sunday I woke up around 6, layed around and then made the hubby some dippy eggs with toast while I enjoyed the usual Blueberry Smoothie. Since Ramadan is going on for the next month, things are going to be rather layed back and consist of just watching movies & cuddling all day. Most places aren't open, and if you do decide to go out your not allowed to eat, or drink anything. There was actually already an American who got sentenced to jail for the month because he was caught drinking water outside. We did end up going to the grocery store to pick up some food for this weeks meals, and the usual produce as well. All in all it was a wonderful day spent with my amazing husband.
Now moving onto today....
Breakfast- 8A.M.
Since Ramadan started on Friday, the gym doesn't open until 11. It's been a little hard to adjust. Usually it'd open @ 9 and I'd be done by 10:30 at the latest. Since the change my eating schedule has been off. I've always been one to eat lunch around 11:30-12:00, so now that I end up getting home around 12:30 most days, I haven't been sitting down to eat until 1:00. That may not sound late to some of you, but whenever your body is used to one time.. it doesn't like not being fed @ that time anymore, haha.
Okay, back to the workout. I covered 5.4 miles in 40 minutes, followed by a quick circuit @ the end. The circuit was short & sweet: 10 squats, 10 sit ups, 9 squats, 9 sit ups.. down to 1 rep. I wish I remembered whose page I saw this idea on because I want to give them full credit for it, and let them know I loved it! (If it's you, let me know :) ).
Lunch- 1:00 P.M.
Another Pumpkin Smoothie. I tell ya, this smoothie just never disappoints. I was planning on having some left over pizza, but couldn't resist this temptation :).
**Quick question before I head out to do some cleaning, blah... Have you ever got a tingly feeling throughout your leg while you were running? I had it for the beginning of my run today, and just have no idea why. I've never had this feeling before. I for a second contemplated on stopping but thankfully it went away... Hmm?
Friday, July 20, 2012
Who says you cant...
Celebrate Thanksgiving in the summer?? Yeah I'll get back to that in a minute :) First, can I just tell you I've been awake since 2 this morning. I forgot to take my sleeping pills last night.. FAIL!
Since falling back asleep was not an option, why not go for a 9 mile walk on the treadmill @ 2 in the morning. Yup, that's exactly what I did and it was glorious! Was done just in time to wake the hubs up for work and kiss him good-bye :)
I laid back in bed, hoping that just maybeee I'd be able to fall back asleep. Needless to say that has yet to happen. I'm actually so glad I couldn't because I was able to talk to this girl.
Meet Sandra, my best friend. We met while our husbands were stationed together @ Camp Lejeune. She's by far the sweetest and most caring person I know. Without each other, I'm not sure how either one of us would've made it through our husbands being away, whether it was for a deployment or training. Since moving to Kuwait, and with her and her husband being re stationed to Hawaii it's been hard to actually talk for a good amount of time due to the ridiculous time difference. I've realized that leaving your best friend may be one of the hardest things to deal with in life. Not being able to have those lunch, and shopping dates, a workout buddy, a person to cry too, a person to laugh @ other people with (don't act like you dont do it from time to time), your beer pong partner, the friend that'll tell you not to wear that outfit. Even though we may be oceans apart, I know that no matter what, or where our lives take us, the relationship we have will never change or become distant.
Ya'll are gonna be so surprised...
Not a Blueberry Smoothie. Yesterday when I was at the grocery store, I spotted these Whole Wheat Waffles and had an instant craving. I had two this morning. One topped with Cinna-Honey and the other with some PB + a little side of Cantaloupe. They were delicious, but didn't do the best job with keeping me full throughout the morning.
I would've had a morning snack, but I've been cleaning all morning. You know those times where all you wanna do is clean for some odd reason... that's been me today. I've done laundry, swept and mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned out the freezer/refrigerator, and wiped down all of our cabinets. I was on a roll, and eventually worked up quite an appetite.
Okay back to the whole Thanksgiving thing from earlier. Instead of having a salad, I decided to really mix things up today (who am I?? I've always been one to eat the same thing day after day). I knew I wanted a smoothie, but wasn't in the mood for anything too sweet. I remembered the can of pumpkin in the cabinet from earlier and thought I'd put it to use.
This may be the best Pumpkin Smoothie I've ever made.. and trust me, I've made quite a few. It's so simple to make too:
- 1/2 cup pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie mix)
- 1/2 frozen banana
- 2 tablespoons chocolate pb2
- Frozen almond milk (I'll freeze almond milk mixed with vanilla extract & splenda... I used 8 ice cubes)
- Cinnamon
- Have you ever had to move away from your Best Friend?
- Any fun plans for the weekend?
- None here. Hubs works and today starts Ramadan for the next month :(
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
My very 1st WIAW
Can you believe it's already Wednesday???? Which means we are half way through the week :). I always love Wednesdays, thanks to Jenn over @ PeasandCrayons. A day where you can show your eats from whichever day you'd like, usually Monday or Tuesday. I'm always so inspired by recipes that other bloggers share. This months theme is Food & Fitness which is awesome, because who doesn't love a workout from time to time? :)
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I'm aware that you may have already seen similar pictures, but understand that once I'm on a kick with a certain food... I'm not one to change it up. Just bare with the pictures & enjoy :)
Breakfast: Blueberry Smoothie made with 1 cup frozen blueberries, 1 cup frozen almond milk, 2 tbsp. peanut butter, some cinnamon & Barbara's Original Puffin Cereal grumbled on top.
Post Workout: GNU Cinnamon Raisin Bar. I received these in my latest VitaCost shipment, and couldn't wait to open them. These bars are so chewy and moist, and with 12g Fiber. Try em out if you haven't already
Lunch: Usual salad with Turkey, Tomato, and Mustard (ran out of cucumber :[ ), + a clementine on the side.
Snack: 1 frozen banana, some grapes, 1 tbsp. whip cream, and some more crushed puffin cereal on top. This bowl screams deliciousness!!!
Dinner: Left over Gnocchi with Shrimp, Broccoli & Pesto.
Dessert: 1 clementine, some grapes & more whip cream. (I may or may not have a little addiction to whip cream during the summer.. @least I buy the healthy kind :] )
Now onto the fitness part. Some of you may know, I have a passion for running. Lately I've been trying to incorporate more Circuit Workouts into my everyday routine as well. After a 5 mile run, I whipped up a quick circuit that looked like this:
50 Squats - 4x
20 Push ups - 5x
2 Min Planks - 2x
25 Sec. Jump Rope - 5x
25 Jumping Jacks - 5x
50 Crunches - 4x
10 Standing Calf Raises - 5x
You can change it up however you want. If a 2 minute plank hold is too hard, do a 1 minute plank hold 4x. The whole circuit took me about 25 minutes or so to complete. Give if a try, and if you do.. please let me know how you liked it :)
**Okay, here is the Blueberry Vanilla Bread recipe I promised to share**
(adapted from this recipe @ yummly.com -- Serves 4)
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 cup whole wheat pastry flour
- 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
- 2 tablespoons sugar substitute (I used splenda, no calories)
- 3/4 cup almond milk (I'm sure regular, or skim would be fine)
- 3 egg whites
- 1- 1 1/2 tablespoons vanilla extract
- 2/3 cup unsweetened natural applesauce
- 1- 1 1/2 cup blueberries
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- Combine all dry ingredients & mix well. Add in egg whites
- Mix all wet ingredients together, and slowly add to the dry mixture
- Pour into loaf pan and bake for about 40 minutes
I wish I had a picture to show you guys how it turned out, but I had totally forgot to take a picture...blogger fail I know :(.
- Do you partake in "WIAW"?
- What's your favorite type of restaurant? Mexican, Italian, Indian, Lebanese, American....
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
A Package + New Recipe
I wanna start off by saying... Last night couldn't of been more perfect. My package from VitaCost arrived, dinner was delicious & the hubs and I enjoyed a new to us movie.
First, check out all those goodies that came:
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**If you haven't tried Eco Bee Farm Raw Cinna-Honey, you must! It's delicious... and addictive** |
Okay, now onto dinner. One word, AMAZING! I bought gnocchi the other day, and wasn't sure what to make with it. I looked online for recipe ideas and decided to make Gnocchi with Shrimp, Broccoli and Pesto. It's seriously just as good as it sounds. I was kind of skeptical about even making the dish because last time I cooked gnocchi for dinner, hubs wasn't too big of a fan. This time however, he really enjoyed it... WIN! And we even have leftovers for dinner tonight, another win :)
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This picture doesn't do it justice whatsoever, trust me. |
Gnocchi with Shrimp, Broccoli & Pesto- Serves 4
- 2 quarts water
- 1 (16 oz) package gnocchi
- 2 cups broccoli
- 1 lb. peeled and deveined medium shrimp, thawed
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
- 4 tbsp. store bought pesto (or you can make your own)
- 2 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
- Bring 2 quarts of water to a boil. Add gnocchi, and let cook for 4 minutes (gnocchi will rise to the top once done)
- While gnocchi is cooking, sautee' the shrimp and broccoli in a medium pan with olive oil and pepper for 5 minutes
- When you notice that the gnocchi has risen to the top, Drain & place in large bowl
- Once shrimp mixture is fully cooked, Drain and place on top of gnocchi
- Finally, add the pesto sauce & mix well. Top with Parmesan Cheese & serve immediately :)
It's seriously such an easy dish to make, and doesn't take no longer than 20 minutes or so (I may or may not have tried a bit of it this afternoon before lunch when it was cold, and it was just as good). I really hope some of you give it a try, because it definitely wont disappoint :).
After dinner and dishes, the hubs and I just relaxed and watched a new to us movie called "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close". Have any of you seen in? It's about a nine-year-old boy that searches New York City for the lock that matches a key left behind by his father, who died in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. By the end of the movie you are just so moved emotionally. The actors do such an amazing job portraying their character. Hubs & I truly think it's a must-see movie.
- Are any of you running the Disney World 1/2 Marathon in January? I'm thinking about flying to the states for it
- What was the last movie you saw?
- Do you eat dessert after dinner?
**Oh and for all of you that wanted the Blueberry Vanilla bread, ya gotta wait until tomorrow.. sorry :)
Monday, July 16, 2012
The Beautiful Katie @ Healthy Diva Eats came up with a fabulous idea called "Marvelous In My Mondays" a couple weeks ago.
Every Monday, Katie will be posting something marvelous to start off the week. She is inviting other bloggers to do the same and link up with her. You can share anything positive–a great new recipe, a new fitness routine, a favorite quote, something fun that happened over the weekend, etc…The idea is to start off the week in a positive way!
Before I get in today's post. I wanted to say sorry for being MIA these past couple days. There really was no reason that no posts were shared, except I was just completely drained.
Now onto "Marvelous In My Monday" ... Since moving to Kuwait a few months ago my sleep has been very non-existant. I couldn't remember the last time I got a full five hours of sleep up until last night. I've always been one to NEED 7-8 hours a night, so you could imagine how big of a toll this took on me. On top of high intensity workouts, and getting things done around the house day in and day out, I've just been feeling so gross and not like myself. Yesterday, the hubs and I finally decided to get me some sleeping medicine, after only getting 2 HOURS of sleep Saturday into Sunday. Yes, only 2 hours.. which were from Saturday @ 9pm-11pm. I'm not even sure how I managed to function all day yesterday, but I guess I'm just that awesome :) haha. We went to bed around 9:00 last night, and I'm so happy to report today that I slept until 6:30 this morning!!! I may not feel completely 100% today, but much better than usual :).
I'm still completely on this Blueberry kick (even made the most delicious, moist blueberry vanilla bread on Saturday... let me know if you want me to share the recipe), so why not have yet another Blueberry Smoothie :). I thought i'd spare you another picture of the bluberry smoothie goodness.
After letting my belly digest, playing blog catchup and reading e-mails, it was gym time. I decided to do this circuit 3x
100 Jumping Jacks
50 Crunches
20 Tricep Dips
15 Squats
20 Walking Lunges (each leg)
25 Russian Twists
25 Bicycles
20 Standing Calf Raises
10 Push Ups
1 Minute Plank
25 Total Body Crunch
**Do 3x through**
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It's hard to tell.. but it did get me all sweaty |
After the circuit, I finished up my workout with a 3 mile run on the treadmill :). I just love getting a nice workout in after a "rest day". It gives you such a healthy and positive feeling... am I right??
Oh and I must mention. I had the longest mile walk back to our apartment afterwards. It's seriously so stinking hot out here, like 130 degree temperatures everyday. I swear I broke a sweat in that short amount of time and thought I was going to die... even though I was chugging water. The worst part, Friday starts Ramadan. I've never been here for Ramadan before, but I've been told that you can't have any skin showing when your outside. Ughhh!!
Lunch was another salad with tomatoes, cucumber & turkey with Mustard and an apple with cinnamon/honey on the side.
I swear my meals are so predictable. I really do need to try to work on changing them up a bit, but why change if it's working :). Now I'm gonna go watch some movies & enjoy the AC... tough life I know, haha.
**I may or may not have a yummy recipe to share tomorrow. I say that because I'll have to see how it turns out first @ dinner tonight :).
Enjoy your Monday!!
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