Friday, July 20, 2012

Who says you cant...

Celebrate Thanksgiving in the summer?? Yeah I'll get back to that in a minute :) First, can I just tell you I've been awake since 2 this morning. I forgot to take my sleeping pills last night.. FAIL!

Since falling back asleep was not an option, why not go for a 9 mile walk on the treadmill @ 2 in the morning. Yup, that's exactly what I did and it was glorious! Was done just in time to wake the hubs up for work and kiss him good-bye :)

I laid back in bed, hoping that just maybeee I'd be able to fall back asleep. Needless to say that has yet to happen. I'm actually so glad I couldn't because I was able to talk to this girl.

Meet Sandra, my best friend. We met while our husbands were stationed together @ Camp Lejeune. She's by far the sweetest and most caring person I know. Without each other, I'm not sure how either one of us would've made it through our husbands being away, whether it was for a deployment or training. Since moving to Kuwait, and with her and her husband being re stationed to Hawaii it's been hard to actually talk for a good amount of time due to the ridiculous time difference. I've realized that leaving your best friend may be one of the hardest things to deal with in life. Not being able to have those lunch, and shopping dates, a workout buddy, a person to cry too, a person to laugh @ other people with (don't act like you dont do it from time to time), your beer pong partner, the friend that'll tell you not to wear that outfit. Even though we may be oceans apart, I know that no matter what, or where our lives take us, the relationship we have will never change or become distant.

Ya'll are gonna be so surprised...

Not a Blueberry Smoothie. Yesterday when I was at the grocery store, I spotted these Whole Wheat Waffles and had an instant craving. I had two this morning. One topped with Cinna-Honey and the other with some PB + a little side of Cantaloupe. They were delicious, but didn't do the best job with keeping me full throughout the morning.

I would've had a morning snack, but I've been cleaning all morning. You know those times where all you wanna do is clean for some odd reason... that's been me today. I've done laundry, swept and mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned out the freezer/refrigerator, and wiped down all of our cabinets. I was on a roll, and eventually worked up quite an appetite.

Okay back to the whole Thanksgiving thing from earlier. Instead of having a salad, I decided to really mix things up today (who am I?? I've always been one to eat the same thing day after day). I knew I wanted a smoothie, but wasn't in the mood for anything too sweet. I remembered the can of pumpkin in the cabinet from earlier and thought I'd put it to use.

This may be the best Pumpkin Smoothie I've ever made.. and trust me, I've made quite a few. It's so simple to make too:
  • 1/2 cup pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie mix)
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 2 tablespoons chocolate pb2
  • Frozen almond milk (I'll freeze almond milk mixed with vanilla extract & splenda... I used 8 ice cubes)
  • Cinnamon
I threw it in the freezer for about a half hour, as I do with all of my smoothies just to freeze it up a little bit more. If the picture doesn't look yummy enough, make it an see for yourself!! It's one of those smoothies that you get kinda teary eyed when your last bite is gone :(. Okay, now I'm heading out to the pool to enjoy some sun!

  • Have you ever had to move away from your Best Friend?
  • Any fun plans for the weekend?
    • None here. Hubs works and today starts Ramadan for the next month :(


  1. Surprise! That pumpkin smoothie looks delicious! I will have to try that! Miss you!

    1. Yes, try it... you'll love it! I love and miss you so much Mommy :)

    2. It was fantastic! Love and miss you too honey!

  2. That pumpkin smoothie looks so good! I've been seeing waffles everywhere lately and now I am craving them!!! Your meals look great as always!

    1. Ha, well I hope you went out and got yourself girl :)

  3. I LOVE pumpkin and am definitely going to have to start making smoothies with it. It seems so hard to find in stores unless it's Thanksgiving time though :(

    Weather permitting, tomorrow will be a skydiving day. Then I am doing a triathlon relay on Sunday! woohoo!

    Have a great weekend!!

    1. It's usually always in the baking isle girl :)

      OMG skydiving? Please tell me how it went if weather permitted. That has always been something I'd love to do, but terrified of doing it @ the same time haha.

  4. the smoothie looks delicious! So glad you got to talk to your bff... even if that means no sleep! (:

  5. Yummm that looks great!! Sorry you haven't been able to sleep...that sound like no fun :(

  6. My best friend lives in Illinois and I live in Florida, so I don't get to see her that much. I made it up for her wedding in May but havent seen her since - hopefully she can take a vacation down here soon! Hang in there, I know it's tough being away from such a great source of support, but that's kind of the cool part too. No matter how far away you are, there's still a great bond!

    1. Thank you so much for taking your time to reply to this post. It really does mean a lot to me. I'm so glad that you were able to make it to her wedding! Fingers crossed that a vacation will be planned for the two of you :)

  7. I think it's great you got BFF time! My best friend moved to Georgia two years ago for a new job. It sucks but it's definitely shown that we can really get through anything. A lot of plane tickets from Pa to Ga have been purchased to help fill the void!

  8. My best friend is in Germany right now with Army.. So hard not having her close, but we never become distant!
    Are you guys participating in Ramadan? I don't know much about it...

    1. That makes me feel so much better hearing that you two have remained just as close.

      Yeah unfortunately it started today. Not looking forward to this month whatsoever :(

  9. Way to make the best out of being up so early this morning! I love everything pumpkin flavored and that smoothie sounds just delicious. I may have to try it soon. I think I've still got a can hiding in the cabinet from Thanksgiving...

    I totally get having a huge time difference between you and your loved ones. When I was living in Italy it was the biggest obstacle to find time to talk to my friends and family. But, when I got home, it was like I was never even gone. True friendships can weather any distance.

    1. You are exactly right about "True Friendships can weather any distance". I couldn't agree more girl. It's just the part being away until you can finally reconnect is what blows, haha.

  10. I've been on a waffle kick recently! The whole wheat or multi-grain ones are delicious!!! :)

  11. totally trying that pumpkin dish, holy yum

  12. That smoothie looks delicious! I haven't had pumpkin in my house since the fall, but now I want some so I can try the smoothie! :-)

    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. You better run to the baking isle of your closest grocery store and get yourself some girl!! :)

  13. I love the freezing almond milk idea! I never thought of doing that, but it's so smart! I will definitely need to start doing this. Thanks for the great idea :)

    1. Oh your welcome. I find that it makes your smoothies so much thicker.

  14. I never would have thought to put pumpkin in a smoothie. Sounds nice though! I have moved several times as an adult, each time moving from friends. With the good ones you just pick up from where you left off. It is funny how some people you meet are just instantly friends.

    1. It really is. It's so funny because when we first met, we weren't fond of one another @ all. To this day we can't even remember how we really became friends either, haha.

  15. LOVE pumpkin. It's never the wrong season for it :)

  16. i get on cleaning kicks like that too! and i find i better take advantage of them while i am in the mood! ;)
